6VJx7I0nBdGv8zW8cW8tgLJ1cNA Mama's Vivacious Family: My favorite place to visit…

Friday, January 11, 2013

My favorite place to visit…

My favorite place to visit?  Some may say a lavish island or maybe even a trip to their favorite country.  My favorite place to visit is with my sister in Florida!  *gaps*  Yes, my sister's home.  For as long as I can remember, me and her never had the best relationship. We would fight and yell at one another; we even stopped talking to each other.  I still have a vivid memory of her putting my first relaxer into my hair and while she was waiting for it to finish processing, she decided to dance on the bed to a music video that was on MTV at the time.  Well, I started dancing and jumping as well forgetting all about this burning product in my hair (I was around 7 at the time).  I started yelling that it was burning and she washed it out; everything seemed fine (or so we thought). She started blow drying my hair and went to put my hair into ponytails for school the next week. *crying begins* She went to grip my hair and the WHOLE ENTIRE PONYTAIL came off in her hand.  When we are sitting around the table, we still laugh about that incident till this day.  

She moved around to different states and other countries because of her husband being in the  military so I only saw her every blue moon. We would STILL fuss and argue (we are 12 years apart). It wasn't until I gave birth to my first son that we began to actually talk without arguing. My niece and nephews are my heart so spending time with them as well makes me happy.  I'm closer in age to my sisters children than I am with her but ever moment I spend at her home, I am overjoyed.  We still bicker time to time but nothing like we used to when I was younger.  Now we are adults, with children and spouses, and anytime we spend with one another is precious.  I wouldn't trade any of our past arguments for anything in the world.  Being in Florida with my sister, is my favorite place to visit. 

My sister is the shortest one in the picture.  I wasn't feeling well so that's why my face looks like that. 


Kimberly said...

Oh my goodness! I would have freaked if my whole ponytail fell out! Eeekk!

How amazing that you two have each other and continue to be close. What an amazing blessing that is <3

Unknown said...

Yea I only have one sister in this world, she is not biological but family is family. Sometimes you can't live with them, can't live without them, but you gotta love them. Have enjoyed your blog and have awarded you the Liebster Award.

You can visit my blog for more details http://iamcurlylocks.blogspot.com/2013/01/liebster-award.html

Oh and tell me what you think, and don't forget to subscribe.

Renae Fonger said...

Love your article. I have 2 older sisters and we all live in different states. Most of my family vacations, with my husband and children, are to visit my sisters or my parents. We all butted heads as kids, but once we all started having kids ... we started understanding eachother. Now, we are best friends! Love it! I will definitely be following you! www.littlesakofbeans.blogspot.com